Pinjaman Dana Tunai Jaminan BPKB Mobil Jakarta, Depok, Bogor indonesia tanpa korupsi or Indonesia without corruption | sahabat-keyboard | informasi

indonesia tanpa korupsi or Indonesia without corruption

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 if only Indonesia without corruption, Indonesia may be more advanced than now, why are not advanced, because the money results from the Indonesian people who faithfully pay taxes for the betterment of his nation, only eaten by the employees of such taxes, OMG now it appears again why not, because corrupt officials are caught on camera is cool to watch Indonesian journalists tennis, rather than in prison contemplating the mistakes he has made and finally in jail, why the tax officials may exist in bali was watching tennis, even though the prison were very dense and inside the police headquarters sufficient in estimating, and the latest news that appears on television or in print media, that the tax officials are bribing the prison guards,, OMG, how Indonesia can advance our nation if everything can be on bribery, anti-corruption lessons may be starting from the bench in kindergarten, perhaps because they were the perpetrators of corruption to have forgotten the lessons, PKN or Pancasila and citizenship, what it has lost all moral and dignity of this nation's citizens, if you still want to receive bribes, but the punishment is very severe .. Indonesia may be better to arrest the corruption in Indonesia .. just sharing from my keyboard does not intend to criticizing a thank you .. Description: indonesia tanpa korupsi or Indonesia without corruption Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: indonesia tanpa korupsi or Indonesia without corruption

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